Heidi Morgan, a U. City High School dance teacher for more than 20 years, was featured in the cover story as one of the 2014 St. Louis Art Awards recipients. Ms. Morgan is being honored as Art Educator of the Year.
We already know here in U. City, the honor is well-deserved. The article says, "Morgan, determined that all young people should experience the joy of dancing, has recruited countless students with disabilities to her classes." But that is only one facet on the jewel U. City has in Ms. Morgan.
In the "Talk of the Town" column by Bill Beggs, Jr, the two Leed-certified schools in the district are featured. Below is an excerpt.
"With its two new elementary schools-the first in the area built to LEED standards--U. City has had the opportunity to weave teachable moments on the environment into daily life. Most recently, in 2011 Barbara C. Jordan opened with major features that include large windows and a building orientation that exploits sunlight. It has a rain garden as does Pershing Elementary, completed in 2009. Pervious (the opposite of impervious; in this case, porous) pavement helps lessen storm runoff at both schools. Recycled building materials were a key element in construction. These features figured into the exhaustive checklist required for LEED certification. It ain't easy being green: For example, more-efficient HVAC systems cost more at the outset but save energy dollars over time. Somebody had to take the lead with LEED; let's see if other districts follow suit."
You can pick up a free copy at Town & Style at many local establishments or view it online as soon as the archive copy is made available.
Ms. Morgan is a wonderful and dedicated teacher who does so much for U. City students. This award is well-deserved. Mazel tov!